Episode 1 – The Beginning of Everything! Episode 1 – The Beginning of Everything! In the years 3 and 4 after Satoshi, Vinicius Kinczel, founder…
We aim to be internationally recognized as a sovereign people, to establish the first-ever private and decentralized country: Terra de Satoshi
We cannot promise that we will succeed, but we do promise to spend the rest of our lives trying.
The intrinsic value of the nobility title in being part of the People of Satoshi is to unite Bitcoiners and libertarians from around the world so that they can form a large family and conduct business among themselves, because we believe that the market is the greatest social project that exists. And what better than to build a fraternity with principles and values where everyone can have the opportunity to access all. We may not change the world, but we are capable of trying to build one.
People Of Satoshi aim to create a sovereign global community, united by the principles of libertarianism and Bitcoin – the currency of peace and social transformation. Our goal is to evolve as a species, connecting 210,000 individuals dissatisfied with current organization of humanity, who view modern society as obsolete.
"Conheci o Vini em Salvador, quando ele deu um pulo na Libertär Bier e pagou com Bitcoin durante uma de suas viagens pelo Brasil. Desde então, uma amizade bacana começou. Trocamos ideias, e ele compartilhou comigo o sonho dele de espalhar a Palavra de Satoshi e eu falei sobre meu sonho de montar uma sociedade com governança descentralizada através do Fraguismo. Por termos sonhos parecidos, o Vini me convidou para o Carnaval Bitcoin em Jeri, onde ficamos ainda mais próximos. Acredito de verdade no projeto do Povo de Satoshi, vejo ele como uma rede de conexões e conteúdos importantes. Além de fazer uma reserva financeira para adquirir um país no caso de um colapso do sistema atual é algo que faz total sentido, especialmente diante da instabilidade do sistema fiduciário em comparação com o bitcoin."
Há um bom tempo acompanho as atividades feitas pelo Vinícius do Palavra de Satoshi, desde sua jornada pregando o bitcoin e sua filosofia pelos estados brasileiros. Quando ouvi ele dizer de fundar um país, logo me admirei e quis colaborar com o projeto desde o principio. Os Projetos People Of Satoshi e Terra de Satoshi não são simples projetos, são mudanças nas vidas das pessoas! Em breve espero que ambos projetos atinjam mais pessoas!
See that we need to build a new model of social organization, free from politicians and taxes, where people represent themselves.
Seeing a natural demand with millions of people around the world wanting to live in a decentralized society, based on the principles and values of Bitcoin and libertarianism.
Start the philosophical construction of the project and see the feasibility of how to transform the dream into a reality.
Join the first people.
Official launch of the general whitepaper of the Terra de Satoshi, on January 3rd of the year 15 post Satoshi.
Find the first members interested in having citizenship of the People of Satoshi and join the group of people who intend to found the first private and decentralized country of all time.
Idealize Satoshi's People as the largest libertarian bitcoiner networking club on the Planet, with 210 thousand citizenship titles.
Release videos explaining People of Satoshi, Terra de Satoshi and Satoshi's Citizenship.
Having a member of Satoshi's People represent the project at an international Bitcoin event in Portugal; March 1-2-3 of the year 15 post Satoshi.
Official presentation of the numbers relating to financial organization and cash flow to the first members who guaranteed that they will acquire the title of citizenship of the People of Satoshi.
Schedule individual meetings with future members of Satoshi's People and organize the reserve list with the first 100 names.
Do lives officially presenting the project to the world.
Schedule the official pre-launch of the beginning of Satoshi's People; April 21, year 15 post Satoshi.
Participate in events around the world, with representatives of the Satoshi People, in March in the cities of São Paulo and Sydney.
Work internally to get 477 first official members of Satoshi's People after the pre-launch, and thus get international media and put 1 BTC in the club's cash register.
Officialize the 1st international meeting of the People of Satoshi, an official club event, for the second half of the year 15 after Satoshi.
After the pre-launch, work to get the first 2100 official members, with people from all continents on the planet, and thus officially become the largest bitcoiner networking club in the world! Constantly participate in Bitcoin events around the world and have cash to invest in the expansion of the project.
With cash capital, hire professionals to formalize the launch of the Satoshi People's title through tokens on the Bitcoin timechain at the beginning of the second half of the year 15, before the first international meeting.
Organize the 1st international meeting People of Satoshi, on September 21st, with 21 influencers from around the world.
After the event, have international media and cash capital to continue the expansion process.
End the first year People of Satoshi with more than 2100 official members.
Episode 1 – The Beginning of Everything! Episode 1 – The Beginning of Everything! In the years 3 and 4 after Satoshi, Vinicius Kinczel, founder…
2n1 é o tokenizer oficial do Povo de Satoshi!
Nosso objetivo é ser a plataforma que fornece suporte e tecnologia para os associados organizarem eventos de liquidez em seus negócios ou projetos.
To learn more about the idea of founding the first private and decentralized country ever, click on the link below and visit the official website of the Terra de Satoshi!
© People of Satoshi | 2024 | By 2in1 & Palavra de Satoshi & Terra de Satoshi